Henryk Laskowski

Henryk Laskowski
Born 1951
1972-77 student of The Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. Individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and other countries, among them:
2019- EMP Gallery, Tokio, Japan
2019- Robinson’s ship, City Gallery & Museum of Architecture, Wroclaw
2018- Reality of illusions, U Gallery, Warsaw
2018- Realism. Two Approaches., BWA Gallery, Bydgoszcz
2016- finalist of the 25thFestival of Modern Polish Painting, Stettin
2016- finalist of 2.nd National L. Wyczółkowski Painting Competition , Bydgoszcz
2015- Contemporary Polish Art, European Comission Represantation in Finland, Helsinki, Finland
2015- CDEF Gallery , Olsztyn
2011- Modern Polish Art, Ratthaus, Stuttgart, Germany
2010- Galleria Poliedro, Trieste , Italy
2009- Visible/Invisible, Plock Gallery of Art
2009- Paris L’obsession, Gallery SD, Warsaw
2008- Polish surrealists, Gallery SD, Warsaw
2007- Knock Knock Knocking on Heaven’s door, Składnica Sztuki Gallery , Warsaw
2003- Warsaw Review of Fine Arts, DAP, Warsaw
1992- Warsaw’s Decade of Art
1982- Galerie Atelier 2, Paris, France
1979- 7. Bienal International del Deporte, Barcelona , Spain
1975- 3.Biennale Internationale de l’Image, Epinal, France